I hesitate to write articles like these. Articles about making an income writing, or making an income doing anything else online, are almost always self-serving humble brags. I make it a point to avoid sharing exactly how much money I make because I know it breeds envy more than it does inspiration. So why am […]
Author: Ayodeji
5 Non-Negotiable Traits You Need to be a Great Writer
I always wondered who came up with the phrase “there’s more than one way to skin a cat.” Like, actually, what the hell? But, when it comes to writing, there’s definitely more than one way to skin a cat. I’ve seen writers succeed in every niche, genre, style, voice, and tone you could possibly imagine, […]
How to Write An Article Like an Absolute Boss
“How to write an article.” Seems easy enough, right? Just sit down, open up your computer, and let the ideas flow onto the page, right? If writing articles is so simple, how come few people ever do it? From my years of experience as a writer, I’d guess less than 10 percent of people who […]
Persuasive Writing 101: How to Get 10x the Audience With 1/10th the Effort
What is persuasive writing? Simple. Persuasive writing gets the reader to do what you want them to do. Often, the end goal is to get them to, you know, read your stuff at all. See, for the most part, aspiring writers go unnoticed. For every successful blogger, author, novelist, etc, there are thousands of failures, […]
Writing Motivation For The People Who Can’t Seem to Write Often Enough
Before I give you writing motivation tips, I’m going to make you hate me. I don’t get writer’s block at all, ever. I can write a 2,000-word article in one hour without using an outline. Catchy headlines ooze out of my brain. I have too many ideas, not too few. I don’t struggle to find […]
How to Start Writing: The Ultimate Guide
You want to learn how to start writing. But it’s not as easy as they say, is it? “Just start writing!” “Write, write, and write some more!” “Writer’s block is a made up excuse, just go.” These statements have a hint of truth. The solution to learn how to start writing…is to start writing. But […]
How to Start a Blog for Less than $3 in 10 Minutes
Raise your hand if you’ve said or thought this before: “I want to start my own blog…someday.” It’s one of those things people continue to put off — some put it off for the rest of their life. If you’re reading this it’s because you have a dream. You dream of creating work that matters […]
Terrible Writing Advice You Should Never Follow
There’s no shortage of terrible writing advice on the internet. This puts you in a tough spot. You want to build your writing career. You’re motivated, but you’re looking for clearcut steps to find your voice, build an audience, and become the great writer you imagine you can be. On this path, you have to […]
11 Pieces of Writing Advice For the Stuck and Frustrated Aspiring Writer
Writing advice is tricky. Some people know what they’re talking about. Some don’t. Many will give you writing advice based on their experiences, but how can you be sure what worked for them will work for you? Obviously, there’s no shortage of writing advice either. A lot of the tips you read and hear contradict […]
The Ultimate Guide to Attracting a Loyal Audience for Your Writing
Admit it. You want more fans for your writing. You’re tired of writing posts nobody reads and being jealous of other online writers who hit a home run every time they publish. You know it’s possible to attract an audience of loyal fans because you see others doing it, but for you it feels like […]